Reasons to have hope...

A message from superintendent Steve Salerno

“There are two competing human impulses. One is fear of losing what we love and the other is a hope for a better day…” – Jon Meachem, Pulitzer Award-winning author and historian.

Dear Mount Horeb Area Community Members,

To the former, I know some in our community have experienced considerable loss since the advent of the pandemic.  The passing of a loved one, the effects of an economic contraction, and/or loneliness have been on the hearts and minds of so many. If you/your family have been impacted by the pandemic, we lift our thoughts in the hope of a better tomorrow for you/your loved ones.

To the latter, there are four reasons I have hope:

Humanity: Especially in the darkest hours, I believe humans possess an ability to collectively will a better tomorrow. Hope is an action verb, exemplified by scientists striving to find a vaccine or children setting up a lemonade stand with proceeds going toward a children’s hospital. Humans are good.

Opportunity: Many of us have found the hidden opportunities resulting from the pandemic. Families have strengthened; stillness has led to introspection, and …

Perspective: Perspective has permitted us to reframe our thinking in a way that is not self-centered, but in service to others.

Education:  Education is a guaranteed tool that ensures hope for the future. It is a commodity that can never be stripped of us and has the potential to propel oneself/others to greatness.

As we embark on the 2020-21 school year, “back to school” has taken on a disquieting feeling. That has not dissuaded our Viking staff from doubling down in their hopes for a successful school year.  They have heeded the call for humanity, opportunity, perspective, and educational growth. In fact, many of them volunteered countless hours and days in professional development activities to further enhance their talents. Since March 13 (the last day our children were in the schoolhouse) a great deal has been learned about how best to educate children in a virtual environment. We look forward to sharing what we have learned to create an even stronger virtual learning experience.

To be sure, there will be hiccups. When they arise, hope (as it has been described above) will serve as the basis for moving forward. In another effort to set the conditions for a successful school year, a series of informational documents and videos were designed to support students, staff, and families. You may find them at the “Virtual Learning” section at 

Friends, the Mount Horeb Area School District is in the business of hope. One look at our beautiful children, their resilient families, our generous citizenry and devoted staff, affirms my belief that our business forecast is as bright as we want it to be. If I may be of service in providing you/your child hope, won’t you please call or email me? 608-437-7010 or

I am proud to be a Viking, and I hope you are too!


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