
The Mount Horeb Recreation Department staff would like to send a special Thank You to all of our NFL Flag Football coaches this year for all their time and efforts!  This year was a year of many changes, and all our volunteers continued to do their part in making a great football experience for the...
Mound City Bank in Mount Horeb donated $500 to the Mount Horeb Community Education Center.  The Education Center will support local families of children during their virtual schooling and out of school time. Pictured: Sarah Frisch with Kimberly Anderson, President Mount Horeb Community Education...
WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) met with Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett on Wednesday of last week. The senator released the following statement after their meeting: “It was a pleasure to meet Judge Amy Coney Barrett this afternoon. She is a wonderful person, a brilliant...
Hello!  My name is Fred Doebler.  I was born in Chicago, IL. but spent most of my formative years growing up in central Wisconsin.  I graduated from Mosinee High School in 1963 and then headed for college in Milwaukee.  After three years, (1966) I received a cordial invitation from my Uncle Sam...
How does a migrant ready itself for a long journey to Bermuda or Guatemala when the normal standby food is unavailable?  American robins switch their diet, just as those few who put up with Wisconsin’s winter do.  Earthworms and most insects are unavailable. Fruits, or being frugivorous, is the...
Girl Scouts of Wisconsin – Badgerland Council invites Mount Horeb girls in kindergarten through 12th grade to attend the Girl Scout sign-up party on Tuesday, November 3 at 6 p.m. The event will be online. Girls, and their adults, are invited to the virtual event to do a Girl Scouting activity, “...
The Springdale Town Board met October 20, tackling an agenda that included land development, high speed internet and nuisance rules.  At the meeting, the board learned that Lust Road upgrades are still delayed. In addition, the Mount Horeb Area Telephone Company (MHTC) is applying for a grant for...
The Mount Horeb Senior Volunteer Recognition Party took a road less traveled this year. On Wednesday October 14 they held a “Drive Up Thank You Party” to honor all of their Volunteers.  The volunteer’s drove up and were given a box lunch and a small gift. Paul Yapp is seen here bringing volunteer...
“4-H Does That!!” is the slogan all members of 4-H in Dane County work under. September was the start of the new 4-H year in Dane County.  Families who are interested in joining a 4-H club they should contact one of the several Mount Horeb Clubs for information. Youth in Kindergarten, 1st. &...
Dane County Executive Joe Parisi issued the following statement as hospitals in the county marked for the first time having 100 patients in the hospital for Covid-19: "As of this morning, there are 101 people hospitalized for Covid-19 in Dane County, and almost a third of them (30) are in intensive...


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