Being on the cover of Forbes magazine is a horrendous life goal. The only way to get there is to have a lot of money and having a lot of money is the easiest way to be miserable, vapid and depressed. Yet Forbes is name dropped in pop songs all the time as a vital waypoint of success.
This is the...
To the Editor:
I have been an Election Inspector since 2012. All Election Officials are under oath to support the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin. Every citizen can observe and monitor voting procedures before, during and after the polls...
This past month I’ve been making regular visits to one of my favorite spots, a beautiful spring near the house. The spring is replete with watercress, as it has been all winter, and I know of no other 200 square feet on Earth that offers as much nourishment for both body and soul. From beneath a...
After 28 years, Moonhill will close its doors
After 28 years on the Trollway the moon is retiring over the hill at Moonhill Mercantile. If it takes a village to raise a child it certainly takes a village to support a business. And you have been the most awesome support for Mary Jane’s dream I have...
I’d just like to congratulate the Village President (Randy Littel), Board, Planning Commission and administrator (Nic Owen) for doing more to ruin the small town character of our village in the past couple of years than in the previous quarter century. My wife and I have lived in Mount Horeb for...
“Autocrat,” a word few of us thought about since high school. Definition? A ruler who insists on complete obedience from others. Tragically, we are now facing the reality of such leaders; Putin and Kim Jong-un are good examples. It would be good to think that we are far away from an autocracy. But...
Medieval people believed a wolf could steal your voice if it saw you before you saw it. Because of this, if you were with friends and stopped speaking, someone would often exclaim, “Lupus est in fabula!” which means “Wolf in the story!”*
I am unlikely to bump into many gray wolves where I live....
On page three of last week’s Mount Horeb Mail our Rep. Sondy Pope has restated her opposition to the Cardinal-Hickory Creek power transmission line that is being built to bring green wind energy to our area. This is one of the reasons President Biden’s green energy initiatives are dead in the water...
First, I want to thank Matt Geiger, the Mount Horeb Mail editor, for his excellent coverage of all our candidates for the Spring election. With eleven candidates running for three seats on the MHASD School Board, four candidates for three positions for the MH Village Board and two candidates for...
I would like to express my appreciation to all who supported my candidacy in the April 5 election. I am honored and humbled to have been elected as a Mount Horeb Trustee. I will strive to keep the “public” securely rooted in my public service.
I would also like to convey my congratulations to all...
The Great Outdoors