We sat in a friend’s farmhouse this winter, eating dinner and commiserating about life, weeping and gnashing our teeth, as is so fashionable these days. My heart is rarely in it, this ubiquitous complaining that we all do, because its source is the conviction that we all deserve to live in perfect...
To the editor,
These days it seems that political leaders who are dedicated to public service instead of partisan gamesmanship are in short supply. Those of us who live in Southwestern Dane County have been fortunate to have one such leader, Pat Downing, represent us on the County Board.
Pat has...
To the editor,
District 30 Supervisor Pat Downing has stated that “The most important duty we have is to provide for the health, safety and general well-being of our constituents.” I believe Pat is the best candidate fulfill this duty, for the residents of District 30. Pat took this duty very...
Dear editor,
I encourage Mount Horeb citizens to re-elect Pat Downing as County Board District 30 Supervisor. Pat has worked hard for many years to well-represent Mount Horeb interests at the County level. I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate and communicate with Pat on his opposition to the...
Dear editor,
Every election is important, even those for our local boards---towns, villages, schools, and counties. Everyone has the right to vote, but too few take the opportunity to inform themselves about the candidates and the issues. We all want our voices heard, but too few take the time...
Late March is the lean time, when most of winter’s deprivation is behind us, but the new growth of spring still lies ahead. It can be a tough period for wildlife. During this time between times, white-tailed deer are essentially starving. They’ve used up their reserves of fat, and have long since...
Dear editor,
Supervisor Pat Downing, County Board District 30, has been my County Supervisor for many years. He is reliable and accessible - returns phone calls promptly and follows up with his constituents on issues of interest to them. He has been a strong advocate on two issues important to...
As a former Primrose dairy farmer and current town official, I am writing to encourage the residents of District 30 to vote for Pat Downing for Dane County Board on April 5th.
It is important for Primrose to have someone on the county board who supports local control. As a former Perry Town Chair,...
April 5, Spring Election Day, is quickly approaching. It’s time to become educated about the candidates. In the Mount Horeb Area School Board race, for me, one candidate stands out. I’m placing my trust in Adam Mertz. I worked in local government for about 15 years and have learned a bit about...
Dear editor,
I’d like to send warmest thanks to the Mount Horeb Community for coming out on a cold winter morning to support the Rotary Super Brunch. After two years of pandemic lockdowns, we weren’t sure what to expect, and your enthusiasm for this community tradition was wonderful to see.
The Great Outdoors